Victory is inevitable
Well, the propaganda machine is doing its job well. Several individuals have come out on social media to label the event a violent act. These individuals are not Canadians fighting for freedom or for the safety and well-being of our children, these are the ones committing selfish acts only worried about themselves.
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I can absolutely 100% guarantee that not only is there to be no violence on the part of the individuals willing to stand their ground, but I can also guarantee that those of you who have signed up to be our witness to Canada’s last chance at freedom, will never be standing in harm’s way for the simple reason that you are only there to be a witness.
So if I am claiming for there to be no violence, why have we enlisted all ex-military and ex-police? The answer to that is simple; it is imperative from what we have learned in Ottawa that we may at some point have to physically defend ourselves. We have chosen men and women that are capable of just that. They have the physical capability and the knowledge not to mention, that they have been trained to stay calm under pressure. This is most important to prevent anything from getting out of hand. And as for the question of firearms, they will not be on our person, we are Canadian citizens, not terrorists.
Let me say again, we are praying for no violence, our hope is to make the other side realize that they are on the wrong side of the line, this will be a judgment made by their own peers. I’ am sure by now you have noticed it seems that the freedom movement is quieting down, that the attendance at rallies is shrinking, that the convoys going through cities are disappearing, this is the sign of Canadians that are giving up. It is a warning to all who stand for freedom that the time for action is now. If we lose faith, our children lose their futures.
What we have chosen to do, is to form the Constitutional Sheriffs Association, we are now waiting to be sanctioned so the event that we have planned can move forward. It is our intention to have International law on our side. All our Constitutional Sheriffs were former Peace Officers or Military. It is our intention to move forward and hold accountable all individuals responsible for the assault on Canadian men, women, and children. We will be forming an International Court and are moving forward with an International Advocate, the entire event will be executed under the white flag, this stands for parle.
It is our intention to motivate international media to be on our side. At this time they are intrigued by the strength and commitment of the Canadian people. Thanks to the truckers convoy, the world is looking to Canada in hopes that we can set the example on how to end government tyranny.
Finally, those of you who have remained here with us are the Canadian that will make the difference, we can watch our country be twisted into a home that we do not recognize or we can stand and restore this land back to its original glory. As you have already witnessed, the government only has fear as its weapon, from personal experience I believe love can conquer fear every time. If we love our country as much as we love our children, our victory is inevitable.
Take care,
Marcus Ray