The School year
The summer break is time to recapitulate the previous school year. How was it? Was it good, or bad? What our kids have learned? What have they gained, or perhaps what they missed? Scholl district {SD} and principals sent letters to parents mostly in a word of: “The year was hard, because of a pandemic, but with the enormous engagement of staff, teachers and coordination with kids it was successful. Thank you for sharing your kids with us.”
In general, the students learn what is necessary for preserving the narrative. They learn about history, the world, the political system, Queen’s family, and so on, but within boundaries dictated by the running establishment. The truth is relative, or partial, exactly how it needs to. Free speech, critics, contumacy, different opinion, and free mind are not tolerated.
On top of that, last school year, kids learned something extra. They learned how to keep social distance from their friends, they learned how to properly wear masks, and sanitize their hands, without any logical sense, just because all was ordered by the higher authority. All happened under the supervision of teachers when some of them segregated mask-free kids from others in their classrooms. The kids learned, that bullying from government institutions is acceptable, and must be tolerated. Disobedience will be punished.

The kids also learned they must respect LBGTQ ideas, so tolerate every sexual orientation or let’s say deviation. The presence of the sticker, flags, and posters supporting the ideology becomes part of the school’s decoration. A different opinion, like believing there are only two genders proven by anatomy and nature, is not welcome. Kids are very vulnerable, especially in puberty. Behavior imbalance is common, because of hormone level changes. It doesn’t mean, that child feels differently during this period, they have a different sexual orientation.

What else did they learn? They learned about respect, sympathy, and kindness to all, but limited to what the establishment decided and the teachers presented. They use carefully taken language to slowly program the kid’s minds. All are supported with different posters, materials, and pictures. Everything can be tolerated, everything must be respected if the establishment required, exempt common sense.

What kind of mental and emotional results will kids gain after “education” like that? How it is going to affect kids’ future and brain development? Are we ready to understand the existing risks? What kind of hiding messages do those symbols, pictures, and posters have?

The school system is a controlled methodical establishment set up to change independent free-thinking kids into the uniform collective mindset respective higher authorities created by the government. The schools are institutions that destroy the free spirit and create future new “good citizens.”
Let’s finally learn from the past, and with the upcoming new school year do something differently. Request the representatives of SD 83 and your schools for the change and let them know your disagreement. Get involved! Run for the “school trustee” in the fall election and be part of the change. Our kids are our identity and our future. There are the most important in this world. They deserve it! ________________________________________________________________________
{Author comment: All pictures are from Shuswap middle school]