Protests have continued
Weeks of protest against Covid 19 restrictions and mandates have continued in Canada and worldwide. In Canada, almost every city or town has a smaller or bigger protest or demonstration. Since January 23rd, Ottawa has hosted the greatest protest for last decades, when “Freedom convoy 2022” arrived in the capital city. Truckers and their supporters from all country clearly declared they have enough Covid narrative and Trudeaus’ cabinet, that for the last months proved not to respect to fundamental Rights and Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of Canada. But Liberals’ government has used all its power and influence to sustain in power.

The first and most powerful tool that the Canadian government has used against its own people is the mainstream media. This “army” of people with computers and cameras must pay back rewards to the Trudeau government after he approved almost 600 million CAD for the years 2019- 2023 to the media. They do everything possible to present peaceful protestors in a negative way. From peaceful dancing, smiling people gathered together, and enjoying the movement to vandals with Nazi symbols. More than obvious, that picture with swastika used by mainstream media was taken with a small group of people, outside of the main protest.

Exactly as Malcom X said:” The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Another step that they used was the shut down of online donations to support the “Freedom convoy 2022”. People on the online donations platform collected over 10.1 million CAD until was canceled. Gofundme is a non-profit organization based in Redwood city in California. Statement of the organization on the link below.
Sunday, February 6th, the mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson declared in the capital city-state of emergency. Right after, Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly ordered to police to do everything to cut the food and fuel supply for truckers in “Convoy for Freedom 2022”.
Despite all obstacles, protests and convoys have grown Canada-wide. On Highway 4 from Alberta to U.S. border, near Coutts, is another huge protest. Hundreds of Albertans for the last couple of days have parked their vehicles on the highway to be a part of the freedom movement. Last Saturday, February 5th Cavalry of hundreds of horse riders joined this protestor to support them.

February 5Th, a convoy with over thousands of vehicles from Langley to Vancouver joined the movement for Freedom.
Another one started in Okanagan valley to Osoyoos. Convoy with hundreds of vehicles created by people from all Okanagan and Shuswap. In Salmon Arm, cars started gathering after 8.00 AM in Blackburn park and left the city after at 8.30 AM. On the way to the South, they joined other vehicles from all Okanagan and went to Osoyoos to the U.S. border.
Good turnout happened in Salmon Arm, on the traditional Highway 1 spot by Centenoka mall. Over one hundred people, on a nice sunny day, enjoined the “Freedom movement”. People from all Shuswap areas came to present their stand on the actual situation. They share the information, smile, hug, and spread a good mood. All with the support of passed-by vehicles. Protestors didn’t hide the excitement about all protests and convoys in Canada.
– DB