Information package served to the RCMP
Local “Freedom fighter” Kyle Cardinal served an information package into the hand of Staff Sgt. Scott West, RCMP officer in Salmon Arm, on Monday, August 22. This initiation went from the BC website and included 28 cities Canada-wide, where local activists brought this package to the RCMP.

Today, Wednesday, August 24, Kyle dropped these copies of information packages named “Informed consent” on the front desks in City Hall and CSRD administrative building, and shortly he will send “Informed consent” documents by register email addressed to Mayor Alan Harrison, all councilors, the Chief executive officer of CSRD, and directors of CSRD.
The “Informed consent” included details and evidence about the following material:
1. There is no current public health emergency, nor has there ever been one due to Covid19.
2. Covid-19 restrictions, policies, and mandates are unjustified, unnecessary and have failed catastrophically with profound negative short-term and long-term effects on society.
3. Unjustified Covid-19 restrictions have caused and are continuing to cause significant harm to Canadians.
4. There are life-saving treatments available for Covid-19 that have been withheld & robust natural immunity has been ignored.
5. The federal and provincial governments have been negligent with regard to democratic process, funding and allocation of resources related to the pandemic.
6. Covid-19 vaccinations are causing significant harm and death.
7. Pfizer Clinical Trials were flawed, and Pfizer knew their vaccine causes harm and death. Pfizer falsely reported high vaccine efficacy and safety.
8. Both providing and obtaining informed consent for Covid-19 vaccinations have not been occurring and is not fully possible.
9. Covid-19 restrictions, policies, tracking and mandates being implemented under federal and provincial public health acts do not meet the criteria for governments to lawfully restrict the Constitutional Rights and Freedoms of citizens.
10. The list of crimes being committed under the Canadian Criminal Code you may be guilty of or complicit in.
Kyle Cardinal is known as a Shuswap resident and independent thinker, who has been very active since the pandemic started. He organized initial public meetings and rallies in town, as an opposition to the Covid-19 narrative. From his own research, he built the website and that information he served in 2021 to local officials, but without any significant feedback. Last Summer he did report about the Lytton wildfire, and later on the rallies from all over British Columbia. Beginning of the year 2022, Kyle went to Ottawa, from where he brought online daily reportage of Freedom convoy 2022. Nowadays he keeps “fighting” for the truth and freedom, and he is well known on social media as well.
– DB
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