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  1. Rosabel Edeny
    May 25, 2023 @ 4:26 am


    I am a researcher at Bigger Better Profits. We help ecommerce businesses sell more products, increase their average order amounts, and get better returns from their advertising budgets.

    We’ve developed a proven online lead generation and sales process.

    Most ecommerce businesses have great products that people need or want, but fall short and often go out of business because they don’t have a well-structured, PROVEN marketing & sales process in place to help them set initial, realistic revenue targets.

    After helping over 10,000 web-based businesses succeed in today’s crowded and competitive marketplace, we understand the immediate needs you have and the challenges you face.

    May I send you a FREE copy of our latest E-Commerce Success Report?

    It’ll show you my case studies, reviews on projects, even how to implement my findings in your business right away.

    I’d like to include your website in my upcoming ecommerce study – if you’re open to that let me know! Just reply with your name, email, and best number to reach you.

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    Best regards,

    Rosabel Edeny
    Research Intern

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe.”


  2. Brianna Belton
    June 11, 2023 @ 3:33 am


    Are you searching for dependable, precise, and cost-effective bookkeeping and accounting services for your business?

    If this is of interest to you, please provide me with your name, email, and phone number.

    To Your Success!
    Brianna Belton


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