Politics of fear and ignorance
Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, ‘affairs of the cities’) is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. A variety of methods are deployed in politics, which include promoting one’s own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies, and institutions up to sovereign states, to the international level. In modern nation states, people often form political parties to represent their ideas. Members of a party often agree to take the same position on many issues and agree to support the same changes to law and the same leaders. An election is usually a competition between different parties. {source: Wikipedia}

The fear is un unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen. {Cambridge English Dictionary}
The politics of fear and ignorance works perfectly, as was proved through the human history. More emotion, positive or negative, less logical, and rational thinking. When is necessary to achieve some goal, they push harder, on local or global scale. Usually that happen when “people with power, or let say “elite,” decide to make some new progress, change, or just distract population from something more important behind the scene. Nowadays is pretty easy for them, because of their power and control over the mainstream and social media, governments worldwide, international organization, global corporations, banks and other financial institutions. Externally those institutions are competing among each other, but behind the scenes, there are under the control, or their shares are own by the “elite”, which basically creates “Monopoly”.
Sometimes “elite” must create more threat to increase the fear in society, as was for the last two years of Covid “pandemic”, or every war in history. The “elite” influence, power, and wealth during this crisis skyrocketed. The transfer of wealth to “elite” from the middle class, that was pushed by corrupted governments by shutting down or limiting their businesses on behalf of big corporations. That was one of the purpose of it. The other one was to spread the fear, fear from invisible enemy- virus to every inch of the Earth. By the fear spread by officials with huge support of mainstream medias and social platforms, the mass manipulation brought excellent result. As it is said “Divide and Conquer”, families, friends, loves, entire world felt apart without any reason, just by massive propaganda and political decisions and new “laws’. Followed by the fear from “possible” injury or loss of life because of the virus, the fear from loss the jobs due “vaccination” or if you do not complain with orders, the fear from potential loss of house, status, and so on. People forgot about their loves, passions, parents, kids, and lives. Because of the fear, the world lost common sense.
The groups of people who disagree with them and are getting stronger to create potential threat to the “elite” are exemplary persecuted, infiltrated or taken over by controlled opposition. The smaller independent groups and protesting public are ignored, and there are getting smaller and slowly disappearing. Requests and complains to the governments, court processes are taking so long, without any relevant results.
What will be tomorrow? What about our kids’ future? What’s “elite” preparing for us? The dark times create dark thoughts. But there is always a hope. Hope for bright and better future. But we need to learn how to manage our fear. “Through most of history men have been terrible afraid, afraid not only of wars and pestilences and famines, but of unreal things, of the wrath of angry gods, of the devil, of curses, of the Evil Eye, of seeing magpies, of walking under ladders, of the dark… We call this fear of unreal things superstitious fear, and one of the things the science sense has done is largely to free men from these fears. For in giving them knowledge and helping to make them reasonable, it has taught them which things are fearful and which not. The result is that men are less frightened than they used to be; their lives are brighter and their minds clearer. In a word, they are more civilized.”{The Story of Civilization, 1936}
Let’s forget about the fear from invisible enemy, let’s join all together and start living again. We can solve all problems and created better future, but not by force of “elite”, but by the open dialog. Let’s sit face to face, bring the ideas on the table, and listen to each other with respect. We, people are the power!
– DB