Thousands of people for 1 Million March

On Wednesday, September 20th, activists across Canada organized the 1 Million March 4 Children rallies to make a stand against the SOGI, (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity), curriculum from Coast to […]
On Wednesday, September 20th, activists across Canada organized the 1 Million March 4 Children rallies to make a stand against the SOGI, (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity), curriculum from Coast to […]
THE CORROSION of Western civilization can be seen in a group of interrelated political events, as exemplified in Canada, my own country: multiculturalism, globalism, “open borders,” the dissolution of nations, […]
Bowinn MA, {NDP}, Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness says, that province is extending state of emergency until September 14 due to ongoing wildfires. The state of emergency was initially […]
Just as the United States and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries are shovelling money and weapons into the Ukraine with a colossal front-end loader, little Canada wanted to […]
Dear Premier Smith, I am writing to you as you were one of the very few politicians who seemed to be aware of the atrocities being committed over the course […]
Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate times. Big black totalitarian clouds loom on the horizon. The price of ignorance towards the New World Order (NWO) agenda could be very […]
There are a number of ways the country is being led that I feel need to be debated in a very wide raging and free way. There are too many […]
About fifteen people joined the protest at the RCMP detachment in Vernon on Tuesday afternoon. People came to support the mother of a missing indigenous woman. Caitlin Potts, 27, has […]
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations. Founded in 1921, it is an independent and nonpartisan nonprofit organization. CFR is based in New York City, […]
A cashless society or digital currency is one of the puzzle pieces in the big picture of Agenda 2030- which aims to control everything and everybody. Central bank digital currency […]