Bonnie Henry knew about AEFI
Provincial health officer {PHO} Bonnie Henry knew about the Adverse Effect Following Immunization [AEFI} back in 2021. The newly released documents about e-mail correspondences among Bonnie Henry and professional health staff around British Columbia confirmed that the Provincial health officer was informed about AEFI and also was requested to pause “vaccination” with the product of Astra Zeneca by a Physician epidemiologist because of the high health risk.

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Monika Naus FD FRCPC medical director from BC Centre for Disease Control on March 11. reported Bonnie Henry following:” This is today’s report. You will also see my note about the AstraZeneca suspension. Nothing concerning based on BC rates but we are continuing to see anaphylaxis {is a serious, potentially fatal allergic reaction and medical emergency that is rapid in onset and requires immediate medical attention regardless of the use of emergency medication on site- note of author} reported at higher rates than the Canadian average.”
March 25, 2021, Eleni Galanis MD, FRCPC physician epidemiologist from BC Centre for Disease Control sent an email:” The BCCDC COVID19 Oversight Cmte met yesterday and was presented with a summary of European CSVT cases following AstraZeneca{AZ} vaccination by Danuta. As chair of this cmte, I want to share my high level of concern with the findings, namely:
Severe nature of the AEFI {high case fatality and sequelae risk}
Young age of cases
Unusual features which make this a unique clinical phenotype
Excess risk associated with AZ vaccination
I urge that decision-makers review this information as soon as possible to consider whether to pause the use of the AZ/COVISHIELD vaccine until further investigations are completed, to understand the extent of risk for BC residents.
On June 9, 2021, Bonnie Henry was also informed that AstraZeneca “vaccine” caused Guillain-Barre Syndrome {GBS} and Bell’s Palsy. GBS syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your hands and feet are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body. In its most severe form, Guillain-Barre syndrome is a medical emergency. Most people with the condition must be hospitalized to receive treatment. Bell’s Palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over weeks.
Released emails containing the multiple side effects and injury, including death, reported to Bonnie Henry caused by “vaccination” against Covid 19. The communication also shows that Bonnie Henry received a letter from Dr. Charles Hoffe who informed Bonnie Henry about the terrible side- effects of the covid “vaccines” in his practice in Lytton. Dr. Charles Hoffe is known as a family physician, who bravely speak out about the risks of Covid 19 “vaccination”.
Supreme Court of British Columbia has still registered an ongoing case among multiple organizations and residents of British Columbia, as plaintiffs, and the Head of State, Prime Minister, Chief Public Health officer, Provincial health officer, and other officials, as defendants, about legality all Covid 19 regulations, restrictions and mandates. The plaintiffs are represented by prominent constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. The last reading was on May 31, 2022, and the judge has up to 30 days to make a decision.
The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science and Public Policy took Bonnie Henry and her mandates to a court in British Columbia as well. The trial date is confirmed and set for April 17, 2023 and is expected to be 40 days trial.