Controlled opposition
Controlled opposition is the system of people and organizations pretending to represent real opposition to actual governments and establishments, but in fact, they are under the control of this ruling […]
The way out
Most people have been so thoroughly trained to think that obedience is a virtue and that doing as you’re told makes you a good person, that anything contrary to that […]
Montana banned vaccinated from blood donation
State of Montana passed a new House Bill NO.645, to “ Prohibit donations of certain blood and blood products,” introduced by Republican Greg Kmetz. He explained that House Bill 645, […]
Air Canada facial recognition
Air Canada is the first airline in the world to launch the digital identification of passengers. This program which uses facial recognition technology for identification verification in Canada is still […]
Silicon Valley Bank collapsed
On March 10 California regulators suspended Silicon Valley Bank from trading. As shares plummeted, depositors rushed to withdraw their money. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation stepped in as the bank […]
The Personal Information Banks
The federal government has quietly (secretly) begun installing the Personal Information Banks (PIB) to collect and store data on Canadians. We were not consulted nor informed about the creation or […]
Letter to Natalya Melnychuk and CSRD Directors
As a grand-parent and parent, I submit this letter for your consideration. I moved from the hectic Vancouver area some 42 years ago for a “life-style” change and to raise […]
Canada, the second largest country in the world full of natural beauty, resources, and hardworking people; but also a country, which does not have any constitution. Walter Frederick Kuhl, Member […]
Residents served packages to CSRD against 5G tower
March 2, 2023 was the deadline for the public to propose or deliver their concerns regarding the 5G Cell tower proposals in Sorrento. While digitalization and the wireless industry are […]
One year of open military conflict in Ukraine
February 24, 2023, was the one year anniversary of the open military conflict in Ukraine. Like all wars of the past, the ground work was laid well in advance. Years […]