I’ve been noticing them for some years here in the Shuswap— lines coming out of high flying planes, but rather than disappearing in seconds, as contrails do, these spread out wider and longer, and in the end our brilliant blue skies turn gray. It’s been happening a lot lately!
I looked into this a few years ago, and to my astonishment discovered that they are part of an official plan (hatched by the military intelligence, an oxymoron if I ever heard one ) to save us from greenhouse warming.
The idea is to create a reflective sheet over the skies of the entire planet to reflect sunlight back to the sun, and away from the earth. This is done by spraying the skies with reflective nanoparticles of metals like aluminum, barium, and heaven knows what else.
But what goes up must eventually come down, and it does. So the procedure has to be repeated daily, world wide! Of course that military intelligence stops thinking once the mission is accomplished — or so they think. The skies get covered, but what happens next is not part of the job description. We the people and animals and plants on earth are stuck with that.
So that brings some questions to my mind, and I want to share them with you, my fellow citizens of Canada. Let me know if you have any answers.
What exactly happens when all those tons by now of nano aluminum settle on our land?
What happens to our health when we breathe in this stuff coming down through the air, as it falls to earth?
I understand aluminum is alkaline. Does that affect vegetation on land? Our crops? Forests?
Apparently aluminum is flammable. Could it promote forest fires?
If it affects our health, what does it do to wildlife, domestic animals, insects like bees?
I am not a scientist but in my working days I worked in fields dealing with the land and vegetation. I also have a lifelong interest in nutrition and health. So I wonder just what the effect of these interventions with the Divine design are doing. Is someone playing God?
What I am concerned about is how long can we fiddle with nature before we seriously screw something up that we really can’t fix?
Now there are some people who think that this is a sinister plot to kill people off. I can’t speculate about that in this connection. For one thing if we create say, another ice age by our fiddling, it will affect everyone.
Mind you President Johnson did say something in a speech about “he who controls the weather controls the world” (being old I remember that speech, sounded ominous even then). But again this effort’s pretty world wide. Just look at pictures of Europe and even China in the media, and you will see the same thing.
So I believe it is mainly one of those “brilliant solutions” that is creating more problems than benefits. After all, on the surface it would seem to make sense. Sort of — if you don’t think deep and wide enough. That’s the trouble with half-baked thinking! Lacks common sense.
My suggestion would be to start listening to our elders! The more I see how today’s so called scientists, thinking “at the speed science”, have got everything wrong, the more urgently I believe we need plain old common sense. And lifelong experience of living has, in every culture, produced Elder Wisdom that is timeless, and preferable to often very questionable “science”.
The time to do that is now!