War Measures Act – before and today
Mainstream media showed its true colors during the coverage of Covid over the past 2 years… but it was absolutely mindboggling the way they lied & twisted everything about the Trucker Convoy, especially in light of all the live stream videos in Ottawa… and they still continue to spin their stories. History is the best teacher. We can see patterns repeated over and over again, indeed works well.

Photo source: canadalibre.ca
I am now questioning everything I thought I knew regarding the FLQ October Crisis of 1970… During a press conference at the 2022 Trucker Convoy, I heard Randy Hillier justify Pierre Trudeau’s invokement of the War Measures Act in 1970, saying it was different back then, there were bombings, kidnappings and a murder… As a 10-year-old living in the Montreal area during that time, I have my own memories of the FLQ era and had always believed that Trudeau had done the right thing enacting the War Measures Act... But now I ask myself how do we know if anything that was reported back then was true…? We didn’t have cell phones for live streaming back in 1970… there were only mainstream media back then… we believed everything we saw on tv, everything we were told by our trusted media and government… After watching live streams in Ottawa contrasted with the story portrayed by our Canadian Government leaders, CBC, CTV & Global… yet another veil lifted… In my own lifetime we’ve seen leaders go to extreme measures to spin a story… (Vietnam… 9/11… WW1&2). We’re watching it unfold right in front of our eyes… Watching Justin Trudeau lie, over & over again on mainstream media while live footage showed a very different picture, had a profound impact on me…
First, I need to say that as a student of Political Science in the early 80’s, I was a huge fan of Pierre Trudeau… I read everything about him or by him… I thought he was a great man… I read Margaret Trudeau’s book as soon as it came out… I voted for Justin Trudeau… the first time… I now find myself wondering who really killed Pierre Laporte…? Was he killed to justify putting an end to a Civil Disobedience with the War Measures Act…? I recently listened to an archived reading of the FLQ Manifesto… in French… therefore nothing was lost in translation… it sounds pretty much like a manifesto that the Truckers might write… Or anyone who is awake today…
Down the rabbit hole I went: after viewing the archived television reading of the FLQ Manifesto I discovered The Execution of Pierre Laporte by Pierre Vallière (see link below) and some insights by Matthew Ehret…
I now suspect that the killing of Pierre Laporte might have been staged… In a nutshell, as I now understand it, the FLQ was trying to wake the francophone people up to what they perceived as the Anglo-Governmental-Media & Church Imperialism that was keeping Franco-Canadians in poverty, slaves of the elite world domination… Apparently, the FLQ didn’t realize that not all Anglos were rich; we, the Quebec middle-class Anglophones were also affected by the Power Lords; one of the most significant consequences of the FLQ movement was the divide it created between the people of Quebec: French against the English… As a 10-year-old bilingual girl with an Anglo name, living in a low-to-middle-class neighborhood, I was unable to understand why my friends suddenly hated me, spit in my face or beat me up after school just because I was English… I was unable to get my mind around why the language thing was so divisive given that most of us spoke both languages… And now I suspect this might be one of the reasons why Justin Trudeau invited so many foreign peoples to immigrate to Canada; he might have thought that by doing so he could easily / potentially create chaos in a country with multiple nationalities. He wasn’t counting on the unity of the people. Now even the Quebecois are standing with the rest of Canada; the irony is beautiful… Then I stumbled upon a movie-documentary about the FLQ, entitled the Rose Family, with footage of interviews with Paul & Jacques Rose, produced & directed by Paul’s son. I now feel that I might have a better appreciation for the Rose family, for the FLQ movement… and… I can see clearly now… the parallels between the Trudeau Father & Son invokements of the War Measures Act…
Matthew Ehret Insights was informative and certainly helped piece things together nicely… questions I had after watching the movie were answered here… Matthew Ehret Insights:
So now my understanding is that the FLQ movement might have been staged to create a perception of unrest in Canada, fueled by people within the federal government (PET) who had been trained / programmed by external organizations (Fabian Society) similar to the World Economic Forum… Lots of moving pieces setting the stage, pre-FLQ… thus fanning the flames in the hearts of many Quebecois… Initially the FLQ consisted of 2 cells (branches), one cell included the Rose brothers and a couple of friends, the other cell was Lanctot and Carbonneau, who I suspect might have been paid opposition (?) who infiltrated the Rose’s FLQ and made up the second cell… The Rose brothers were driving through Texas when they heard on the radio that the FLQ had taken James Cross as hostage… they were surprised, they returned to Quebec… After James Cross was released on Dec 3rd, 1970, Lanctot & Carbonneau were flown to Cuba and avoided jail time. As you well know, Pierre Elliott Trudeau had close ties to Cuba, he and Fidel Castro were friends… Lanctot returned to Canada in 1979, did two years in jail and is now a leading journalist with Canoe Inc, owned by Quebecor whose Vice Chairman is Brian Mulroney… According to witnesses (his wife, nephew & neighbours), Pierre Laporte was taken by clean shaven police type men with walkie- talkies, who claimed to be a third cell of the FLQ… Paul Rose was convicted for the murder of Pierre Laporte but never admitted to anything to do with Pierre Laporte’s murder, he said he accepted responsibility for the death of M. Laporte by way of being a member of the FLQ… the men who made up the third cell were never caught or identified… Apparently the Rose Brothers never talked about the kidnapping or killing of Pierre Laporte… Given all the evidence, the testimony of Pierre Laporte’s wife, all the lies we’ve witnessed with our own eyes during the Trucker Convoy in Ottawa, could it be that remaining quiet about how it really went down might have been their get out of jail free card…? While Matthew Ehret seems to suggest that all FLQ members were paid opposition, I disagree… I might be wrong but I believe that the Rose brothers were true freedom fighters who ended up being the fall guys, they were the only ones jailed… It seems that the entire FLQ debacle might have been set up by none other than Pierre Elliott Trudeau and friends… in the same way Covid was set up globally… Once again, I find myself in Cognitive Dissonance… I don’t know what is true anymore…
“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” Mikki Willis
– Sarah Connor