To CSRD and others
Most people think is a waste of time writing to our elected officials. That is probably because nobody ever replies to them! And that is probably because all they do is complain, complain, complain.
Not me. I am writing to say Thank You!
Thank heavens those of us approaching death by old age won’t have to keep waiting alone for the final days; with your help we can prepare now to enjoy our last couple of years watching our grandchildren get sick and die right along with us.
Dying alone is really sad. But now, with the help of yourselves, we can die as whole communities; even the plants and animals can enjoy a community die-off!
I was worried about getting into my late 80s or even 90’s, not wanting to be a burden on the family.
What a relief to know the whole family can get sick and die together.
You may already know that many people are making plans for ways to commit suicide now; considering the hopelessness of the present world mess; much of it a result of the Cell Tower deployment going on everywhere and bringing with it the tracking of every move we make, every thought we think, every dollar we spend.
And another benefit: nano particles inside the killer vaccines can be activated remotely by Cell Tower communication, which means the now heavily controlled population via propaganda will be entirely controlled remotely via frequencies. So much easier.
Some of us have suicide potlucks; with winners chosen for the best ideas about how to kill ourselves with a useful public impact; how with as little pain as possible, how to plan it on a zoom call so we can check out together. Just think of all the creative ways to make suicide more fun than Trudeau has planned it with the MAID program – not much fun at all, really. But maybe we could form a MAID/FAID combined program: ‘frequency assistance in death.’
And Ms. Melnychuk: As a Grampa and husband of 51 years, I was around during the ‘feminist’ movement of the 1970’s, and I wondered whether the Mothers would get anywhere hoping to elect female politicians who would have more care and concern for children. Obviously being a woman doesn’t make you any different from the men who couldn’t care less about babies and children. What a shame. My then young feminist wife really had me convinced that a feminine voice in the system would change things.
All joking aside; I commend you on your total ability to ignore your constituents, as though none of us exist at all, regardless of whether we pay your salaries! What an achievement! I have to ponder if this is part of the training for new politicians; and exactly how it is taught. Different levels for Councillors, Mayors, Premiers, Prime Ministers no doubt. Same outcome though.
My mom told me over 60 years ago that the Truth always comes out. I believe her. And that if I told a lie, my tongue would turn black. I keep hoping to see a politician open their mouth wide enough to see it for myself.
June 30, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
You guys are fucking idiots
Susan Ladner
July 2, 2023 @ 7:10 pm
Let us be kind to those in office! Calling them names just because they only care about themselves and are trying to destroy our community doesn’t help….