Of spirituality, religions and “devil worship”
Recently I finally discovered what the so called Indigenous ‘8th Fire Prophesy’ is all about!
I had been hearing it mentioned, but not explained, because the listeners presumably knew what it was about. To me it’s brought up a number of interesting thoughts I want to share!
It made me wonder why exactly some orthodox Christian churches, the Roman Catholics primarily, labelled all Indigenous spiritual teachings of the “New World” as devil worship!
And this brings me to the 8th Fire Prophesy. In its simplest interpretation, as I understand it, it talks about the choice humanity faces today as we arrive at a final cross roads. One path leads to more materialism and environmental destruction and ultimate death of life, the other path is spiritual, and leads to what a Christian might call ‘salvation and eternal life’.
Compare this to a line in the Lord’s prayer: “…and deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the glory for ever”! Isn’t it really the same message as the 8th fire?
This brings me to a few thoughts that to me flowed out of this realization.
A question: Were the Indigenous nations wise in allowing individuals different interpretations of the Great Spirit, rather than forming rigid religious dogmas that had to be strictly adhered to? They certainly did not fight wars over what the correct interpretation of spiritual teachings should be. I think this was wise.
It was wise, because it also prevented “religions” turning into political powerhouses, and enforcers of a very rigid doctrine.
The Czech reformer Jan Hus preached against the accumulation of wealth at the Vatican, the selling of indulgences and such, in contravention of the message of Jesus. Hus said, the high clergy live in material luxury, forgetting that Jesus walked barefoot!
For this heresy, Hus was burned alive in 1415. And nothing has changed!
Faced with the Indigenous teachings, the Vatican clearly saw a threat to their power from this independence of beliefs. And their usual reaction was to declare it all “devil worship”! This was not new! When faced with the pre-Christian beliefs of the Polish and Czech people, which included such things as venerating ancient trees and birch groves, these were also declared to be devil worship.
The question remains: are we going to heed the message of the 8th Fire?
We certainly have the power to destroy our earthly habitat with the amazingly powerful technologies we have! Almost every day we see new war machines used in the war in Ukraine. No longer do militaries need to expose their men to the battlefront! They can use unmanned drones to carry bombs, and these bombs are more and more deadly. Russia has recently come out with their Oreshnik bomb, that apparently has more devastating explosive power than any other “conventional” weapon. And again it can be carried by drones and rockets far into enemy territory – to kill more human beings and animals and destroy soils and vegetation for generations.
And so called peaceful inventions (they seem to always end up as new weapons of war) are also deadly to Life, but never is this mentioned as long as mega profits are made!
No one is asking what might be the health effects of increasingly more and more powerful electromagnetic fields and radiation! These are blasted around the earth, and from space in increasing densities. Already devastating health effects are known, and thousands of independent studies published attest to this, but governments and industry carry on regardless and mega profits roll in!
Life evolved for millions of years in a symbiotic relationship with the suns and earths radiation in the very low hertz levels. As professor Olle Johansson of Sweden has stated many times today’s radiation levels are a quadrillion times above what life evolved at. It should be obvious that such a change cannot be beneficial to life!
It seems to me that brilliant technology geniuses like Elon Musk are actually very stupid in one critical area. He and others like him ignore the health aspects of their technologies! That is that life on earth operates on the broader and unchangeable radiation of the sun and earth that allowed life to flourish. Tinker with that, and you are endangering yourself, and in fact all living beings on earth from plants to humans!
So we need to take the spiritual path with its green forests and healthy people and animals that lie on that trail of the 8th fire!
I feel we have gone too far on the mega AI technological road, with its destruction of the land, water and air, and instead of rushing even further along, dreaming of settlements on Mars, as Elon is doing, we need to cut back, and jointly as a global society decide what is the barest minimum of tech that we absolutely need, to support a simpler, yet modern society.
This effort is really the most urgent duty we as people have!