Message to parents and grandparents
Dear parents and grandparents living in the land generally known as Canada, including indigenous people, offspring of first settlers and immigrants. Most of you still remember your childhood when you grew up in 40s, 50s, 60 s or 70s. You had so much freedom, high quality of food, clean rivers and lakes, nice cities, bright skies and so much fun. You worked hard, but you know what for; your family, your kids, and in the end for yourself. Most of you enjoyed the real American dream.
There were some issues for sure, but the economy was strong and so was faith, so life was pretty smooth. The population was comprised of mainly Europeans, so mostly Christians, with a minority of Aboriginal people and others. See the table bellow.
In 1971, communist and globalist Pierre Trudeau announced multiculturalism as an official government policy. Canada was the first country in the world to adopt this agenda. At the time, Canadians of European origin continued to account for 96% of the 21.5 million people in total population.
At that time the composition of our population began to change. Those of European origin other than British and French remained the dominant element within the “Third Force”, accounting for 85.5 percent of the 5.8 million people who declared a non-British and non-French ethnic origin in the 1971 Census (Table 3). However, by 1981, this group had declined to 75.8 percent of those not of British or French origin. By 1991, despite the growth of the non-British and non-French origin to 7.4 million people, the European component of the “Third Force” had further declined to 55.7 percent.
As of today, people of European origin comprise slightly bellow 67% of the total population, with a fertility rate less than 1.3 %. This ratio will look even worse, if we consider a population over 40 million today, compared to 21.5 million in 1971. Christianity is well on its way to minority status. The report says that in 2021, 19.3 million people representing 53 per cent of the population reported a Christian religion. A decade earlier, it was 67 per cent. A decade before that, at the turn of the century, it was 77 per cent. One more generation {25 years} and Christian white people will be a minority in Canada.
But multiculturalism is not just a “nice utopia”, where all people live together. The real purpose is to destroy historical roots, origin of nations and culture especially in the western countries. The plan is the destruction of thousands of years of genetic stability in these nations and the creation of a mixed race with lower intellect: smart enough to do some work, but not smart enough to understand what’s really going on behind the scenes. The end game is to create a population without any roots or goals; a population of stupid customers which will never question anything-modern slavery.
Multiculturalism is part of agenda to establish a new world order, which is one communist government ruling the world. This is just one of the strategies used to achieve the goal. Others are feminism, vaccination, genetic food modification, weather manipulation, depopulation, “green agenda”, Covid plandemic, LGBTQ+ agenda, digital identity, destroying free economy, AI, and so on.
In efforts to support this plan, communist and globalist Justin Trudeau introduced a program in 2019 called Building a Foundation for Change: Canada’s Anti Racism Strategy. Which included:
- Investing nearly $100 million into Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2019-2022, with $70 million allocated directly to communities;
- Creating the Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund and launching the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative, representing a $400 million investment to support vibrant Black communities and combat anti-Black racism from coast to coast to coast;
- Hosting national summits on antisemitism and Islamophobia;
- Appointing Canada’s first Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, and two Special Envoys on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism;
- Creating the National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia;
- Creating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
The program was extended for the years 2024- 2028.
Meanwhile, for the last decade hundreds of churches have burned across the country and a national charity warns that 9,000 churches will be lost in the next decade, roughly a third of all faith-owned buildings in the country.
As we mentioned above, Canada is the first on the list. So please, for now, postpone your Mexico trips, golf, fishing, pickle ball, camping and other activities. Stop engaging in partisan politics of liberal vs conservative and start seriously paying attention to what’s going on. Take courage, start acting and spread the word.
Look into eyes of your children and grandchildren, those that you love and do something for them. At the end of days, you will be proud you did something important that will bring you the peace.