Matriarchy as the way out of the mess
In the 1700’s, when the Europeans arrived on the East coast, they observed FREE PEOPLE living there. They had never heard of, thought of, or seen FREE PEOPLE anywhere. These FREE PEOPLE (MEN AND WOMEN) had established a governing structure which guaranteed FREEDOM for all of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy.
Photo source: www.
This structure was Matriarchal, in that there was no top-down hierarchy kept in place by fear and force. Consensus was used to determine the best course of action in any situation. The Women were the backbone of this structure, since it is the Women who hold the community together, keep track of the Clans, Family ties, maintain the communication required to maintain balance and harmony; with each other and with the rest of Nature.
Although the European Men admired the FREEDOM of these people, they did not admire the FREEDOM OF THE WOMEN; so when they used the Iroquois Haudenosaunee model to create their ‘Declaration of Independence’ they forbade the European Women from joining in the discussions or being present during the decision making meetings. Not only were the European Women not permitted to be a part of the Core of the New Free Independent American Society, they were not even allowed to vote on anything; and their men criticized the Native Men for allowing their Women to have Equal Power. At this time, European women were also the property of their male relatives so they had no idea that women could be anything other than servants and slaves to men.
The burning-alive of 9 million of their aunts, mothers, sisters, grandmothers was still fresh in their memories. These generational memories still occupy the cellular memory of women today, a memory of trauma which continues to silence us ~ for fear of punishment. This very important part of American History has been omitted just like Women are being erased today.
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Today, men have vaginas and women have penises, according to the ‘Woke’ officialdom taking over the whole world. But I digress. There will never be any change, any improvement, any ‘revolution’ – in any country which continues to use the patriarchal pyramid structure of governance. Whether it is females on top or males on top, there is an ‘on top’ which precludes authentic democracy. Matriarchy is a Circle. Nobody can climb a Circle. Nobody has power over anyone else in a Circle. Consensus is used to come to agreements about what is best for the whole community in a Circle. Matriarchy is based on Natural, not man-made law. Violence is not the final arbiter of disputes in Matriarchy. Might is NOT right. As it is in Patriarchy. Patriarchy also strips Men of their Masculinity since they are required to beg their leaders to take care of situations of harm instead of being permitted to take the lead themselves, as Sovereign Males led by Spirit. Patriarchy also strips Women of their Femininity, since only females who behave like oppressors are successful in patriarchy. “OBEDIENCE TO THE UNENFORCEABLE” – meaning: government by consensus. You can’t enforce consensus. MATRIARCHY. THINK ABOUT IT.