Israel- Palestine war
Another war on the world map. The Middle East is on fire again, as very often for the last decades. In order to understand what’s going on, what is the motive, who is beneficiary we first have to look at history.
In 1944, representatives of 44 nations {including USA, Soviet Union} signed Bretton- Woods agreement, which created a new collective international currency exchange regime and established the US dollar as world’s reserve currency. This system required countries to guarantee convertibility of their currencies into US dollar to within 1% of fixed rates, with the dollar convertible to gold bullion for foreign governments and central banks at US $35 per troy ounce of fine gold.
Bretton- Wood agreement also created International monetary fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, today part of the World bank.
The United States promised not to print very much money, but this was on honour system because the private corporation Federal reserve refused to allow any audit or supervision of its printing presses.
In year 1970, expenditures in the Vietnam war made it clear to many countries, that US is printing more money than it had a gold reserve. In response, they began to ask for their gold back, what set off a rapid decline in the value of the dollar. The situation climaxed in 1971, when France attempted to withdraw its gold but President Nixon refused.
On August 15, 1971, Nixon announced:” I have directed the Secretary of the Treasury to take action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators. I directed Secretary Connolly to suspend temporarily, the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets except in amounts and in conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States.”
As we can see, this was not temporarily suspension, and for the foreign nations who had entrusted the US with their gold was economical crime.
In 1973, due to the Israel- Arabs war was created Oil crisis, so Nixon made a deal with King Faisal from Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars in payment for oil, and to invest any profit to US Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills. In return, Nixon offered military protection for Saudi oil fields. The same offer was lately extended and accepted from all Arabs’ countries producing the oil.
Like that was Petro- dollar created and US get super rich. Every product wanted by USA came in and printed papers, without any value went out. With Petro- dollar in the pocket, USA was able to raise the stakes higher and higher, outspending every country on the planet.
The collapse of the Soviet Union bloc removed the last rival of USA. People hoped that a new era of stability a piece will start. Unfortunately, all were wrong.
In 1991, USA invaded Iraq in the First Gulf War, and destroying their infrastructure, including hospitals and water purification plans. Right after sanctions against the nation were imposed to prevent rebuild the country. Sanctions were initiated by Bush senior and sustained throughout entire Clinton administration.
End of the year 2000, Iraq began sell the oil in EURO only. This was a direct attack on the Petro- dollar, so in response, the USA with the assistance on the mainstream media began to build up a campaign again Hussain claiming, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was planning to us them.
In 2003, US, British and Australian troops invaded Iraq, and once they controlled the country, oil sales were immediately switched to US dollar. US troops stayed there until 2011, evidence of mass weapon was not confirmed.
The bombing of Baghdad on March 21, 2003. (Mike Moore /Mirrorpix via Getty Images) (Getty Images)
On October 2007, US General Wesley Clark said: “And then I came back to the Pentagon about six weeks later. I saw the same officer. I said, “Why—why haven’t we attacked Iraq? We still going to attack Iraq?” He said, “Oh, sir,” he says, “it’s worse than that.” He said—he pulled up a piece of paper off his desk. He said, “I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense’s office. It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.” Seven countries in five years. I said, “Is that a classified memo?” He said, “Yes sir.” I said, “Well, don’t show it to me,” he was about to show it to me, “Cause I wanna talk about it.”
In Libya, Gaddafi was in a process of organizing a block of African countries to create a gold- based currency the dinar which they intended to use to replace the dollar in that region. He wanted to sell resources of Africa with that “Dinar” only. In 2011, after military coup, USA and NATO invaded Libya. Kaddafi was murdered and new government was established. Idea of African’s “dinar” was not realized.
Somali, Sudan, and Lebanon have ongoing civil wars, which destabilize the nations and destroy the economy, infrastructure, and environment, with thousands of victims behind.
Syria is Iran’s closest ally, and they are bound by mutual defense agreements. China and Russia stated publicly and no uncertain terms that will not tolerate an attack on Iran and Syria. Despite that, same year 2011, started civil war in Syria and in 2015, Russia started military operation in Syria to help President Assad. War continues since then.
Iran is one of the last independent oil-producers in the region, and they understand that if Iran falls, then they will have no way to escape the US dollar without war. And yet, the USA is pushing forward in spite of this warning.
United States, as usually used his ally in the region Israel. Since May 1948, Israel is in permanent war with Arab’s countries, always back up with USA. The US, has over the years given the Jewish state more than $260bn in military and economic aid, and is promising additional equipment and ammunition.
How does this conflict will end up? We don’t know. For sure, other thousands of innocent people will die, economical and environmental damage will be catastrophic, just because of benefits of few. When it will be enough?