Hidden dangers- in memory of J. G. Flynn
James G. {“Jerry”} Flynn, was a Canadian Armed Forces captain (commissioned from the ranks in what was then the Royal Canadian Navy) who spent 22 of his 26+ years in the ‘Forces’ in Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), the former of which included two years in National Defense Headquarters (NDHQ) Ottawa, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (DEW). In EW he worked closely with U.S. and NATO armies and, of his own initiative, attended a major NATO army EW officers’ course in Anzio, Italy, following which I participated in a major NATO army EW field exercise in Germany. He accepted invitations to visit both the U.S. Pentagon and, subsequently, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (the US Army’s principal EW base). Earlier still, he conducted Radio Warfare/EW at sea aboard two Canadian warships.
In the SIGINT world, he spent more than 16 years working as a member of the “Five-Eyes” intelligence-gathering community, which culminated in his two-year appointment as Executive Officer and Operations Officer at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive radio intelligence-gathering stations, where he employed some 200+ specially-trained radio operators who conducted both COMINT (Communications Intelligence) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) under his direction. Throughout this period, he worked closely with the USA’s NSA and, to a lesser extent, with Britain’s GCHQ.
He retired in 2005 but, from 2008 until his death in 2022, he has devoted himself to researching, writing, and speaking out publicly on this preposterous, insidious non-thermal radiation issue, now threatening all life on earth! This is his message:
Photo source: www.emrabc.ca
Microwave radiation (i.e. electro-magnetic radiation) “EMR” was developed initially for use by the military as a weapon. It was never intended to be used by or on the general public, but once it was released, there was no way to get it back in Pandora’s Box. Scientists, industry, and the military have known for decades how dangerous exposure to this non-thermal radiation is, yet agencies like WHO and Health Canada deliberately mislead us by saying that it is only the thermal effects of radiation that cause us harm.
Before man-made “radiation” appeared in communities – in any country – people seldom, if ever, heard of autism, ADHD, brain tumors and various type of cancers, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Down syndrome, asthma, memory, sleeping problems, etc. And today, because mainstream news media has remained sinfully silent on this man-made radiation (discussed below), far too few people know that non-industry scientists around the world say that most modern disease epidemics are caused by man-made radiation (albeit not exclusively)!
Man-made Radiation – Explained
In this context, the electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation referred to is either:
- 1} thermal, i.e., radiation that heats the skin and which the human body can sense (e.g., microwave ovens); or,
- 2) non-thermal, i.e., radiation that does not heat the skin and which the human body is unable to detect or sense.
- Non-industry scientists globally have long known that all things in which 50/60 Hz electricity is flowing (i.e., overhead power lines, electrical substations, power transformers, smart meters, household wiring, household electrical appliances, power tools and machinery, electric vehicles, etc.) emit or produce non-thermal “EMF”s, which are known to be hazardous to humans and all living things!
- Non-industry scientists globally have also long known that all wireless radio products, such as smart meters, mobile phones, cordless phones, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, tablet and laptop computers, GPS and other satellites, radars, collision-avoidance systems in automobiles, self-driving vehicles, etc. emit or produce hazardous pulsed non-thermal “EMR”!
The Origin and History of the Thermal Effects ONLY Dogma
- C-1952/1953 – See Page 4, 1991 entry for David Rockefeller, and view the link here for the Rothschild’s ownership and control of the world’s news media!
- https://www.eutimes.net/2009/03/reuters-and-the-associated-press-are-owned-by-the-rothschild-family/hi
- In 1953, the S. Navy tasked the former German scientist Dr. Herman P. Schwan (deceased in 2005) to determine for them what became their ‘safe’ Exposure Limit of 100 W/m² (or 10,000,000 uW/m²), which he literally ‘calculated’ – but for the thermal effects ONLY– of RF EMR! This became the mantra or dogma which all U.S. M-I-C members adopted and aggressively promote today (see 1966, below)! https://www.bems.org/node/531
- In 1961, on leaving office, then-U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt US Military-Industrial-Complex. http://www.answers.com/Q/Just_before_leaving_office_in_1961_President_Eisenhower_warned_Americans_of
- In 1965, the same Herman P. Schwan (see above) chaired the committee that established the first U.S. exposure limit for RF energy – which also adopted the thermal effects ONLY dogma – for the American National Standards Institute. This standard evolved into the present IEEE C95.1 standard and was widely influential in the development of exposure limits around the world! https://www.bems.org/node/531
- In 1966, the corrupt US M-I-C became visible. Its original (and still current) members include(d): Health Canada, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers’ (IEEE)’s internal committee: International Committee on Electromagnetic (ICES), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), all member nations of the ‘Five-Eyes’ intelligence gathering community (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the electric power, and wireless and telecommunications industries all adopted and continue to promote the thermal-effect ONLY dogma – meaning that there are no hazardous effects to non-thermal radiation!
- Two years later, in 1968, S. President Johnson, in his State of the Union Address, promised to protect the American people from the radiation (EMFs/EMR) emitted by TV sets and other electronic equipment etc.! He subsequently signed into law the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. http://humansarefree.com/2017/08/5g-is-international-health-crisis-in.html
- In 1971, S. President Nixon’s own radiation Management Advisory Panel warned him that the levels of ELF (power line 50/60 Hz or extremely low frequency) and RF (radio frequency) EMF radiation then present in the USA may already be biologically significant and that the nation’s entire population might be at risk, especially if future generations are considered! (This was at least 10 years before wireless products appeared in North America!)
- https://www.activistpost.com/2017/08/5g-international-health-crisis.html
- In 1973, Canada’s National Research Council’s Control Systems Laboratory “showed 22 non-thermal effects documented and generally understood by the scientific community more than 40 years ago.” https://trendsresearch.com/stories/the-government-5gwireless-industry-perpetuate-scientific-fraud,6377
- In 1975, the S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), in an effort to determine the need for RF exposure standards in the U.S., began measuring the levels of nonionizing EMF radiation (frequencies from 0.01 to 900 MHz) in the urban environments of select US cities. Even then the studies showed that the greatest sources of radiation to which Americans in these cities were exposed were FM radio and VHF TV towers!
- https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi/9100N1BI.PDF?Dockey=9100N1BI.PDF
https://ehtrust.org/epa-recommendations-and-H - In 1983, the S. EPA reported the biological (i.e., non-thermal) effects of RF EMR! However, the research program was cut off in the late 80s during the Regan presidency! Former EPA Scientist, Carl Blackman says he was personally “forbidden” to study health effects by his “supervisory structure.” https://www.saferemr.com/2015/06/an-expose-of-fcc-agency-captured-by.html
- In 1984, the S. Science Advisory Board specifically requested the EPA to develop RF guidelines. (Note: the EPA was once a hub of research on RF effects, employing as many as 35 scientists.) https://ehtrust.org/epa-recommendations-and-reports-on-cell-phones-radiofrequency-and-electromagnetic-fields/
- In 1990, in a draft report, the S. EPA had recommended that power line EMFs be classified as a ‘Probable’ carcinogen and RF EMR be classified a ‘Possible’ carcinogen!
- https://ehtrust.org/epa-recommendations-and-reports-on-cell-phones-radiofrequency-and-electromagnetic-fields/
- In 1991, Media Complicity – David Rockefeller’s meeting with the media at the National Press Club! https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/9951.David_Rockefeller
- In 1992, ICNIRP (the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) was created and quickly became an important ally of the corrupt US M-I-C!
- Although ICNIRP’s ‘guidelines’ were revised in 2009, they still promote the thermal-effects ONLY dogma!
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/22/business/economy/military-industrial-complex.html - In 1995, the S. EPA’s scientists had been researching the human health risks from EMFs and were about to release biologically based (i.e., non-thermal effects) Exposure Limits when the agency was suddenly defunded in 1996, which abruptly halted any further research! https://ehtrust.org/epa-recommendations-and-reports-on-cell-phones-radiofrequency-and-electromagnetic-fields/
- 1995 – Former S. President Bill Clinton issued a formal Memorandum stating that transmitter masts should not be sited on schools or near residential areas! http://www.equilibrauk.com/emfnewinfo.shtml
- In 1996, the same S. President Bill Clinton signed into law the infamous Telecommunications Act, said to be the most lobbied bill in history! “In pre-empting local zoning authority—along with the public‘s right to guard its own safety and health—Congress unleashed an orgy of infrastructure build-out. Emboldened by the government green light and the vast consumer appetite for wireless technology, industry has had a free hand in installing more than 300,000 sites. Church steeples, schoolyards, school rooftops, even trees can house these facilities.”
https://www.saferemr.com/2015/06/an-expose-of-fcc-agency-captured-by.htmlEPA Recommendations and Reports on Cell Phones, Radiofrequency and Electromagnetic Fields
- In 1999, Health Canada held its first review of its ‘Safety Code 6’ – which protected against the thermal effects ONLY of RF EMR. Daniel Krewski was on that panel, as was BC Cancer Agency’s conflicted ‘Distinguished Scientist’ Mary McBride (see below).
- http://www.bccrc.ca/dept/cc/mary-l-mcbride
http://emrabc.ca/?p=1017 Even in 1999, that review document acknowledged the possibility that non-thermal effects existed but did not recommend lowering SC 6 at that time until more research was conducted. - https://magdahavas.com/subversion-of-science-royal-society-of-canada-panel-with-conflict-of-interest-to-review-safety-code-6/
- In 2005, Health Canada held its 2nd review of Safety Code 6, the lead author being Daniel Krewski. No mention was made of non-thermal effects which were mentioned in the 1st Review. https://magdahavas.com/subversion-olf-science-royal-society-of-canada-panel-with-conflict-of-interest-to-review-safety-code-6/e
- In Sep., 2005, the notoriously corrupt Michael Repacholi, who then headed up the WHO’s International EMF project – while he was also Chairman emeritus of ICNIRP – recruited eight (8) utility representatives to help him write the original draft of the document and later asked them to review the completed draft to set ‘safe’ Exposure Limits’ – for the world – for power line 50 Hz/60 Hz frequency EMFs.
- https://microwavenews.com/news/who-welcomes-electric-utility-industry-key-emf-meeting-bars-press
- In Apr., 2010, the provincial government in British Columbia, Canada, introduced its “Clean Energy Act” which, in this writer’s opinion, was the beginning of the end of democracy in B.C., Canada, for it legislated wireless ‘smart’ meters on every occupied building in the province!
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-introduces-clean-energy-act-1.890452 - In July, 2010, the CTIA (the powerful U.S. trade and lobbying organization for the cell phone industry) sued the city of San Francisco looking to block a recently approved ordinance that would raise consumer awareness about cell phone radiation levels. CTIA also threatened to withdraw all convention business from the city; so the city caved in.
- https://www.eweek.com/mobile/ctia-sues-san-francisco-over-cell-phone-legislation
- On May 31, 2011 – The WHO’s IARC Classified RF EMF a Class 2B “Possible” Carcinogen! (“IARC” is the WHO’s research arm: the International Agency for Research on Cancer) (Writer’s Comments: 1) Scientists say that, had the WHO considered the 2001 E.U.-funded REFLEX Study, it likely would have justified classifying EMFs a “PROBABLE Carcinogen”! http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/iarc-rf-carc/ and, 2) Despite this disturbing new classification, neither Health Canada nor any of Canada’s 10 provincial and 3 Territorial governments, nor any known government within the U.S. M-I-C saw fit to stop electric power utilities from rolling out their vilified, invasive and hazardous microwave-emitting wireless ‘smart’ meters nationally (each of which contains two (2) microwave transmitter / receiver radio circuits which emit “Possible carcinogens” that bathe a home’s occupants and all members of a ‘meshed-grid’ community 24 hours a day, every day of the week in perpetuity with pulsed, non-thermal EMR! http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/iarc-rf-carc/
The very next month, in June, 2011, British Columbia’s provincial government signed a 10-year, $100-million/year contract with Telus (one of Canada’s three national telecom providers who, with Huawei, are aggressively competing with others to install their “5G” technology across Canada) to upgrade all public telecommunications (wired and wireless) in the province, specifically stipulating all five regional health authorities, and others. This nailed the lid on democracy’s coffin in British Columbia, in this writer’s opinion. Consequently, because B.C.’s inaugural Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall (May, 1999-Jan. 31, 2018) lacked any credible expertise in EMFs, EMR or EHS, as does his successor, the current PHO, Dr. Bonnie Henry (Feb. 1, 2019-present), British Columbia today has a full suite of wireless technology in cancer clinics, hospitals, medical clinics, nursing homes, public schools, public buildings, public parks and public transit systems (including all BC Ferries, etc.! (Writer’s comment: In my view, this constitutes a blatant: 1) crime against humanity; 2) violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and, 3) violation of the Nuremburg Code!) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/telus-nets-1b-contract-with-b-c-government-1.1088703
https://history.nih.gov/research/downloads/nuremberg.pdf- In 2012, the S. GAO (General Accountability Office) found that the FCC had not ensured that its standards “reflect the latest research on RF energy exposure,” and recommended that FCC reassess and potentially change its exposure limit. https://www.wired.com/story/why-5g-makes-reconsider-health-effects-cellphones/?BottomRelatedStories_Sections_2
- In 2013, Health Canada held its 3rd review of Safety Code 6 – which still protects against the thermal effect ONLY of RF EMR! As chairman, Daniel Krewski saw fit to recommend and have on his panel of experts other known champions of this dogma, two of whom were (and still are) members of the U.S. Military-controlled ICES/TC95: John Moulder and Ken Foster; the third was the U.K.’s HPA (Health Protection Agency) (which also supports the same thermal effects ONLY dogma) Richard Findlay. Dr. Krewski was obliged to step down and remove himself from the panel when it was found that he was in conflict-of-interest.
- https://magdahavas.com/subversion-of-science-royal-society-of-canada-panel-with-conflict-of-interest-to-review-safety-code-6/
https://rsc-src.ca/sites/default/files/SC6_Report_Formatted_1.pdf - In June, 2015, the CTIA (the telecom industry association) sued the City of Berkeley, CA, over the City’s ordinance warning purchasers of cell phones of the radiation they emit! https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/ctia-sues-to-block-berkeley-s-cell-phone-radiation-warning-law CTIA lost this lawsuit!
- In June, 2016, FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, delivered his impassioned almost maniacal speech: “A vision for U.S. Leadership in a 5G World” at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C. https://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2016/db0620/DOC-339920A1.pdf
- In Oct., 2017, the S. Supreme Court denied CTIA’s lawsuit against the City of Berkeley and allowed the city’s ordinance to stand – the only city in North America to have one! https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/308606/appeals-court-rebuffs-ana-and-wireless-carriers-ov.html?edition=105589
- On Jan. 4, 2019, S. Senator Blumenthal blasted the FCC and the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) for their lack of scientific research and data on the technology’s potential health risks!
- On Feb.15, 2019 – The S. FCC confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe!”
- https://stopsmartmeters.com.au/2019/02/15/wireless-industry-confesses-no-studies-show-5g-is-safe/
Why the U.S. M-I-C Adopted the Thermal Effects ONLY Dogma
- It enables the US Military, with its approximately 800 bases in some 70 countries, to save literally billions of dollars it otherwise would have to spend to buy the additional lands needed for it to build its huge radar and other electronic installations at ‘safe’ distances from the public. (Note: “Safe” distances can only be determined by literally measuring with a “gaussmeter” the magnetic field at each specific location! No ‘safe’ reading should exceed one (1) millgauss! bioinitiative.org
http://www.iemfa.org/seletun-statement/ - It enables electric power utilities to save literally billions of dollars they otherwise would have to spend to buy the additional land needed for them to build their overhead power lines, substations, power transformers, etc. at distances from schools, playgrounds, residential communities, hospitals, etc. that ensure the public’s safety (See above).
- It enables electric power utilities to install their insidious, invasive, hackable, costly and fire-prone ‘smart’ meters in “meshed-grid networks” (i.e., communities ranging in size from 500 to 5,000 homes). Readers need to note that a smart meter contains two (2) microwave radio circuits, both of which emit pulsed non-thermal EMR throughout the 24-hour day. The more powerful of the two circuits (the “LAN” or local area network) emits radiation for distances of up to 3 km, meaning that every smart meter’s LAN irradiates every other home and, in turn, is irradiated by every other home’s LAN within that community!
- It enables the wireless and telecom industry to exploit to its maximum possible commercial potential the vast virgin market of wireless radio products, including baby monitors, all of which emit hazardous pulsed non-thermal EMR!
- It enables wireless and telecom industry to utilize and/or install wireless radio products in cancer clinics, hospitals, medical centres, nursing homes, public schools, public buildings, public transportation systems (e.g. ferries, buses, trains, vehicles), public parks, etc.!
- It enables governments to reap enormous, unprecedented tax revenue from the sale and/or rental of all wireless related products, including cell towers, as well as from licensing satellite users such as SpaceX, OneWorld, etc. who are just two of the many companies who aspire to blanket every inch of planet earth with broadband Internet – all of which will use untested much higher microwave frequencies to saturate every inch of planet earth with pulsed non-thermal EMR!
- It enables the federal government to reap tens of billions of dollars from frequency spectrum auctions!
Today, all members of the U.S. M-I-C are afraid because, with the Internet, the truth is slowly seeping out, and they fear that science has produced conclusive evidence that their stance is and has always been wrong! Consequently, historic and current champions of the thermal effects ONLY dogma now fear the inevitable criminal and civil law suits that loom ever-larger on the horizon!
The U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
https://www3.epa.gov/radtown/wireless-technology.html The FCC gets guidance from the U.S. FDA (see below),which is charged by law with protecting the public from radiation emitted by electronic products.” http://www.sun-sentinel.com/health/sfl-rxcell02oct02-story.html With no EMF/EMR scientists of its own – even though it is responsible for ‘setting’ the ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for both power line (ELF) and RF EMR – in practice, the FCC simply adopts the US Military’s “standards” (which unwaveringly reflect the thermal effects ONLY dogma) determined by ICES SC-3 and SC-4, respectively, and promulgates these to the world as if they originated within the FCC itself! The five commissioners who ‘regulate’ telecommunications and safety standards are appointed by the incumbent U.S. president. The current chairman, Ajit Pai, is a former lawyer for Verizon. His predecessor, Tom Wheeler, previously had been Pres/CEO of the CTIA, the main lobby group for all mobile communications and Internet-related companies, including manufacturers and, before that, was Pres/CEO of the Cable & TV industry Association. Between them, Pai and Wheeler have authorized several companies to proceed with their plans to launch more than 20,000 satellites to radiate from space every inch of earth with broadband Internet using never-tested-for-safety much higher microwave frequencies! Both individuals are very aggressive champions of wireless and especially the need for America to embrace 5G technology!
Lobbying Pays Off
In all, the CTIA, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile USA, and Sprint spent roughly $45 million lobbying in 2013. Overall, the Communications/Electronics sector is one of Washington‘s super heavyweight lobbyists, spending nearly $800 million in 2013-2014, according to CRP data.
This 2018 article describes well the strong correlation between campaign contributions from the companies that build America’s warships, tanks and warplanes, and critical votes in Congress to keep the guns firing, the missiles flying, the bombs falling and the cash flowing to the military-industrial complex.
U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
The FDA works with FCC to regulate wireless medical devices. FDA can take action if wireless phones emit levels of RF determined to be dangerous.
The ICNIRP “Cartel” Exposed!
On Feb. 15, 2019, ‘Investigate Europe’ (nine experienced journalists from eight European countries) identified 14 scientists who protect ICNIRP’s obsolete and inadequate EMF exposure guidelines – which are endorsed and actively promoted by Health Canada and the WHO! At least eight of these scientists have had industry research funding. An interactive graph depicts the interconnections between these scientists and governmental and quasi-governmental agencies.” https://Twww.kumu.io/Investigate-Europe/das-experten-netzwerk Those named were: “Martin Röösli, Anthony Swerdlow, Maria Feychting, Simon Mann, Anders Ahlbom, Joachim Shūz, Zenon Sienkiewicz, Maria Rosarta Scarfi, Norbert Leitgeb, Michael Repacholi, Sarah Loughran, Emilie van Deventer, Gunnhild Qftedal (?), Eric van Rongen” http://bit.ly/ICNIRPcartelEnglish
Other Champions of Today’s Scientifically Indefensible Dogma
In addition to the two FCC chairmen mentioned previously, other high-profile champions of the thermal effects ONLY dogma include:
- Within the Government of Canada – former and current Health Canada EMF/EMR scientists Maria Stuchly, Daniel Krewski, Michael Repacholi, James McNamee, Art Thansandote, Pascale Bellier, etc.
- BC Cancer Agency’s – Mary McBride (who was exposed by Canada’s largest commercial TV network, CTV, when they found her not to be a qualified “PhD” or the “Dr.” she had allowed others to address her for many years, both verbally and in writing). Her studies have consistently found in favor of there being no harmful effects to either ELF EMFs or RF EMR.
- https://bc.ctvnews.ca/cancer-agency-exaggerated-researcher-s-credentials-1.518539 http://www.bccrc.ca/dept/cc/mary-l-mcbridehttp://cqlpe.ca/pdf/HealthCanadaCorruptOctober2017.pdf
- British Columbia – Neither Perry Kendall, MD, BC’s inaugural Provincial Health Officer (PHO) or his successor and current PHO, Dr. Bonnie Henry, MD, ever saw fit to respond to any of my emails and both seem(ed) content to remain deaf and dumb to any/all criticism from other concerned and informed citizens while they defend(ed) and champion(ed) whatever Health Canada / Safety Code 6 said about EMFs/EMR/EHS! Neither PHO had/has any credible expertise in non-thermal EMFs, pulsed non-thermal EMR and EHS, meaning that British Columbians are and always have been at the sole mercy of a corrupt Health Canada!
- Other Canadian Champions – but non-scientists – meaning that they could not have known the hazards of non-thermal EMR, were: Bernard Lord, QC, PC, the former Pres/CEO of CWTA (Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association) (2008-2016), and his successor, Robert Ghiz (Jan., 2017-present). Both had previously been Canadian provincial premiers.
- Within the USA and Internationally
- Clearly, one of the most noteworthy and influential champions is, and has been for many years, Exponent Inc.’s William F. Bailey who, in addition to being a key ‘product defence scientist’ for electric utilities (throughout North America, at least), is an important member of both U.S. Military-dominated ICES subcommittees 3 and 4. Also, it was he to whom the WHO’s Dr. Michael Repacholi, in 2005, sent a draft copy of the proposed ELF EMF ‘safe’ Exposure Limits asking for his comment! Others include Dr. C-K Chou, ICES/TC95’s chairman (who previously had been Motorola Solutions chairman) and ICES/TC95 members: Health Canada’s own James McNamee as well as Ken Foster, John Moulder, Joe Elder, Mays Swicord, Richard Tell, etc. (Both Foster and Moulder previously had been selected by Health Canada to function as Expert Panel Members to review Safety Code 6)! https://rsc-src.ca/en/expert-panels/rsc-reports/review-safety-code-6-2013-health-canadas-safety-limits-for-exposure-to Also, in 2005, ICES’s Ken Foster, John Moulder, Linda Erdreich (Exponent Inc) and James McNamee (of Health Canada) co-authored a study on mobile phones and mobile phone base stations and cancer. https://cellphones.procon.org/view.source.php?sourceID=009468 Another key member is UCLA’s Leeka Kheifets, also a long-time ICNIRP member (see below).
- Sweden’s Key Champions include: conflicted Anders Ahlbom and Maria Feychting (she also happens to be the current Vice Chair of ICNIRP and, along with Leeka Kheifets (above), previously worked for/with Michael Repacholi when he was heading up the International EMF Project at the WHO.
- The U.K.’s Key Champion is Anthony Swerdlow, ICNIRP’s chairman of its Standing Committee on epidemiology. He’s also head of epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Research, and chairman of the ‘Independent Advisory Group to Britain’s Health Protection Agency. He and his wife are both said to be major investors in several large British telecom companies! https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-cancer-phones/evidence-increasingly-against-phone-cancer-risk-idUSLNE76302P20110704
In closing, any non-industry person can conclude only that: 1) U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower was prescient in 1961; 2) the corrupt U.S. M-I-C, about which he warned Americans to be on guard against, has grown such that it now controls or influences governments in many if not most major Western countries, such that they now all unashamedly protect the electric power generation and wireless and telecommunications industries – not the public; and, 3) this “mother-of-all crimes” could not have happened had mainstream news media not agreed to remain largely silent on this issue some 60+ years ago! Evidence of the corrupt U.S. M-I-C can be seen in the supposed ‘safe’ Exposure Limits all its members have adopted for both ELF EMF and RF EMR – which adhere to the thermal effects ONLY! This scientifically indefensible and extremely cruel stance saves all U.S. M-I-C members billions of dollars each, while also giving birth to a brand new and extremely lucrative commercial market (wireless radio products) for industry to exploit!
While pesticides, insecticides, vaccinations, fluoride, chemical pollution, tobacco, asbestos, lead, etc. are known or thought to cause cancers and/or other diseases, no other single product is common to every country on earth as is the man-made non-thermal radiation discussed here! The correlation between the introduction of these technologies and today’s disease epidemics is clear for those willing to look. But even more frightening, if such a thing is possible, is the prospect of none of us being able to hide or even protect ourselves from the tsunami of pulsed non-thermal 5G microwave radiation that is expected from the 20,000 satellites already approved by the FCC! All of this will be in addition to some equal or greater amount of pulsed, non-thermal 5G microwave radiation expected from the hundreds-of-thousands of land-based micro-cell towers that telephone companies are eager to roll-out across North America!
All of this ‘new’ radiation will simply add to the accumulated but invisible 2G, 3G and 4G non-thermal radiation already blanketing planet earth! Any rational person can conclude only that some twisted, hopelessly insane and greedy people are responsible for this, what will prove to be, the end of life on earth as we now know it!
J.G. Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Bowser, Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
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