A short and partial list of common (marxist) terms and a translation to reality

This is a post i have wanted to make for a long time. A Marxist to English dictionary, even if its only half a page. The point of it is […]
BC s{election}

Another {s} election is knocking on the door with the calling of the 2024 BC election. Final voting day is October 19th as signs promoting various candidates “embellish” our streets […]
Ten planks of Communist Manifesto in Canada

In 1848 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote a book outlining a political ideology, titled “The Communist Manifesto”. Marxism’s basic theme is that the proletariat (the “exploited” working class of a capitalistic […]
The Complete Coutts Story

I waited until the sentencing as I didn’t want to jeopardize making accidentally making a bad situation even worse – if such a thing were even possible. With the shocking […]
Canada Must Build A Border Wall ASAP

Donald Trump is unstoppable. While this is great news for the United States, it is very bad news for Canada, especially those pockets of Canada where progressive Americans of means seek […]
Slocan Valley Wildfire Stories

It’s Darkness at Noon in Western civilization, to borrow from Arthur Koestler’s famous book. The view across Slocan Lake is literally darkness at noon, with columns of smoke billowing out from the […]
BC Wildfires

Last year, we witnessed the worst wildfire season in the Shuswap. Not because of dry weather, but because of mismanagement and “over bureaucracy”. On top of that, on August 17, […]
Letter from Slocan- wildfires

Meanwhile in the Slocan Valley in BC Canada. Re: The Wild Fires. Hi everyone… this is Clayton. I felt like I needed an avenue to use my voice because what […]
Euro- Canadians and Christianity
The evidence is indisputable: Canada was built from the ground up by indigenous Euro- Canadians with next to 0 immigration from non- white world. The claim that Canada is a […]